Congratulations for the exam results to Fran Barba, Ana Carcaño, Sergi Costa, Aina Mir, Carmen Montañés, Carol Pérez (well done Carol!!), Andrés Pozo, Lina Quiroga and Diego Rosso.
Welcome to the blog of 2nd Batxillerat students from IES Bendinat (Mallorca-Spain)
Have you guys ever considered visiting France?
Paris is known as the "City of Lights" and is a magnificent and romantic place to visit.
I visited Paris two years ago with my school. Paris is a big and busy city, where you can find all sorts of stuff to do! It also has a great climate and the most beautiful scenery in the world. There are also a lot of important landmarks that one should visit if there, such as the Eiffel tower.
When you reach the top you feel like the king of the world and the views are just fascinating, you can see the whole city. But the views are even more impacting at night just when the sun starts coming down and the lights turn on.
Another thing that a like about Paris is that it’s very cultural. It has all type of museums that you can visit. It its center you can find one of the world’s biggest and most important museums: the Louvre. It is huge! Not even a week is enough for you to visit all the different monuments and paintings in its interior. If you don’t like museums you can visit other places such as the cathedral of Notre dame.
Learn about its legend and walk thousand of stairs up the tower to where the great bell is.
Paris is very exciting. But it can also be calm and peaceful. You can always find a nice hotel resort to relax and enjoy Paris in a different way!
If you ever get the chance to visit this lovely city, don’t think twice!
In that moment I left behind my ingenuous mind and I became aware of reality. That was the beginning of my growing up phase.
It was 10 AM when my parents left me in front of IES Bendinat door. I was nervous, but I had already lived this before. I looked around me and saw hundreds of students laughing and talking to each other. All that crowd was going to the same place, where the ESO classroom list was hanged. I took the same direction, searched my name in the list... but I couldn't find my name!
I kept searching, asking myself if I was blind and, in the end I was the last one outside, still looking at the list, but my name wasn't there.
So I decided to get into the school and ask if they could tell me where my class was. But the secretary told me she didn't know anything about this and that it wasn't her problem. I thought “Wow, nice atmosphere over here”, and decided to sit on a table and wait.
Finally a man got down the stairs and asked me what I was doing there, I answered that I didn't understand what he was saying because I couldn't speak Catalan. Then he told it to me in Spanish, and he said that his name was Manel and that I had to follow him to see if I was registered at this school.
After checking on his computer, he told me that I had to got to 4E's classroom. I looked at him like telling him “Where the hell is this?!”. He directly understand it, and told me “Ok, i'll go with you”.
While we were walking through the long hallway, I was thinking about the similiar situations in my past , always being the “new student”, the one that everyone would look at when he would get through that door. I hated that feeling.
And this was just another time, it happened just as in the past. Manel walked threw the door and told them I was a new student coming from Dominican Republic and that I didn't speak Catalan. All the students were looking at me, I hated that situation, being the center of attention just as when you see an animal at a circus gesticulating in the middle of the ring.
The teacher pointed out a place where I could sit, and gave me a sheet to fill in, to know more or less who I was. As everything was in Catalan, Andres ( who was the first one to talk to me! ) helped me to translate it.
After being an hour in class, I could finally get back home. That was it... the hardest part was accomplished and now on I had just to leave time to make its job. Little by little, people got to know me and I got to know them.
I've now been here for 3 years and school is nearly over... will the story be repeated?
Hope not.
This place is called Encuentro, it is a beach situated in the north coast of the Dominican Republic. Encuentro's beach is known for its “surfing spot”, it is actually the best surfing spot of the Dominican Republic. Many surfing competitions are organized throughout the year, which help young Dominicans to get acquainted with the pleasure of surfing. Recently, kitesurfing and windsurfing competitions were also organized at international levels.
All along the beach there are several “surfing schools”, where, with some pesos, you can learn how to take a wave in few hours.
It is also where my feet touched for the first time a surfing board, I was 8 years old. I was so addicted to this sport that some friends and I used to wake up around 4 am when the sun had not raised yet, take our boards and go surfing before school. Then we would just take a quick shower on the beach, put on our uniform and go to school at 8. It was good life.
As you can see, it is a panoramic picture, so you can see a 180 degrees angle of the view. There is not much to say about this picture... but it has been taken from a small “tower” where the judges use to sit when they have to put a mark on the surfing competitors. You can also the that the color of the sea is beautiful, as well as the sky. On the left and right of the pictures we can see students and surfers getting mentally and physically prepared to face up the Encuentro's waves.
Take a piece of freedom, start surfing.