jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

This place... (Tom Lombardi)

This place is called Encuentro, it is a beach situated in the north coast of the Dominican Republic. Encuentro's beach is known for its “surfing spot”, it is actually the best surfing spot of the Dominican Republic. Many surfing competitions are organized throughout the year, which help young Dominicans to get acquainted with the pleasure of surfing. Recently, kitesurfing and windsurfing competitions were also organized at international levels.

All along the beach there are several “surfing schools”, where, with some pesos, you can learn how to take a wave in few hours.

It is also where my feet touched for the first time a surfing board, I was 8 years old. I was so addicted to this sport that some friends and I used to wake up around 4 am when the sun had not raised yet, take our boards and go surfing before school. Then we would just take a quick shower on the beach, put on our uniform and go to school at 8. It was good life.

As you can see, it is a panoramic picture, so you can see a 180 degrees angle of the view. There is not much to say about this picture... but it has been taken from a small “tower” where the judges use to sit when they have to put a mark on the surfing competitors. You can also the that the color of the sea is beautiful, as well as the sky. On the left and right of the pictures we can see students and surfers getting mentally and physically prepared to face up the Encuentro's waves.

Take a piece of freedom, start surfing.

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