I've been told to describe a picture and I have chosen a beach that is located in Formentera.
On this picture we can see mainly three colours: blue in the sky and the sea, beige on the sand and the rocks and green on the tree and the bushes.
The water of this beach is very clear and clean and we can see a lot of white boats that are tied up. There are small dark blue spots in the middle of the sea and that's because of the algae.
The sky is light blue and it has some small white clouds. It's a sunny summer day and it doesn't seem like it is going to rain.
By the sea there's a green big tree that makes a small shadow and on the left hand side of the picture we can see some small bushes and rocks.
The sand is very clean and clear, without any litter on it (all the beaches should be like this one).
We can see some people swimming in the sea but there's nobody lying on the sand and sunbathing so we could think that this part of the beach is virgin.
Also we could say that this beach is not polluted and this is something very good and very important for our environment because nowadays there are loads of places that have been polluted because of the tourism and the invasion of humans. I don't like places like that because they make me feel nervous and angry because I dont like the idea that our environment it's being destroyed.
The landscape of Formentera is beautiful and it transmits serenity and peace.
Thank you Ana!