jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

For and against essay (Jinlan,Susana,Chen)

Advantages and disadvantages of leaving home at 18
When teenagers are 18,some of them feel a bit rebellious and also a bit conceited and arrogant.So,for this reason, many people want to leave home.This important decision has some advantages and also some disadvantages...
On the one hand,young people leave home because they need to enjoy their freedom,and don't want to be controlled by their parents.They want to start living on their own and learn to be independent,responsible and to make decisions for themselves.
On the other hand, although, setbacks can make young people mature, some teenagers are still very young and unexperienced, and they don't usually know what they want to be in the future. They need to experience things.Today's society is very complicated and young people can be easily cheated.They sometimes find out that getting things is much more difficult than they thought. Some teenagers can feel disappointed, lost and confused.
To sum up,I personally think that 18 is a good age to leave home.When I finish Batxillerat,I want to leave home,because now I am very dependent on my parents and I think I could learn lots of new things being more independent and living on my own ...

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