SAN FRANCISCOSan Francisco it is an important city for me because it reminds me lots of special moments. I went there two years ago with my parents and friends. In that trip we were eight people and we had lot of fun. First we went to LA and then we went to San Francisco, and I think all of us, if we have to choose one or the other we would choose San Francisco. It is a very nice place and I love it.
I think it is similar to Mallorca, maybe not that much similar but it has sea and a lot of coast. It is also important for people who have lived always on an island.
San Francisco has a lot of beautiful things. The city looks exactly as on the TV. The golden gate, the street cars, the slopes...
Golden Gate it the most known building and it is incredible. When you are walking on it you have the sea under you, about 220 meters. And you can see people doing exercise there. The only bad thing is there are "toll barriers” on each sides to keep away from people who want to hurl themselves of the bridge.
The street cars are like in the films. People seat inside or people who are tighted outside.The street cars' drivers most of times have to help the tourist people because you have to go on a special way. I think that street cars are a very good idea for the problem of the very steep slopes.
I also like San Francisco because there is a lot of variety and different neighborhoods and I think this type of contrasts are fun.

The picture that we can see is a San Francisco street and it’s the street with the most amount of curves in the USA. It is Lombard Street and it is a piece of the street. In a short stretch there are eight curves, and they are very pronunciated, and because of it, before you try to go down with the car, there is a sign which warm the drivers that they can't go down with vans or bigs cars because the vehicle couldn't turn.
It is a beautiful street because they have it very well cared for and clean. And it is a very colorful street.
I chose San Francisco because for me is the most beautiful place.