“Things are only impossible until they're not.”
For me this quote means: We have to think always about the positive side of life and never think that there are impossible tasks. Nothing is impossible.
I almost never listen to music, only when I go by car and I listen to the radio. For this reason it has been difficult for me to choose a song, but a few days ago I heard a song in "los 40 principales"that I liked , the title of this song is "I’m yours" by Jason Mraz.

This photo expresses many things for example: freedom, peace, happiness.
This fantastic beach is in Hawaii, a very nice place to visit. This place is very relaxing because you can rest in this house next to the sea. The weather in Hawaii it’s fantastic because it’s sunny and warm. Also, in Hawaii there are a lot of volcanoes.
I can see the sea
I can hear the wind
I can smell the sand
I can taste the salt of the sea
I can feel the heat of Hawaii
Thank you Josemi,
ResponderEliminarto post a you tube video you have to look under the URL: "insertar"... and then copy and paste... I think it's easy... try next time, OK?
and have a look at my corrections, please!