sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009


I found a very funny page. I would like you to visit it and try to create your own "Yearbook" with the funny pictures. If you want to share some of them, please, do...


Have fun!

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

German coast guard

What is success?

The Circle of Life
What is Success? . . .

A Simple Explanation

1. At the age of 3, Success means :

Not shitting in your pants.

2. At the age of 12, Success means :

Having friends.

3. At the age of 18, Success means :

Having a driver‘s licence.

4. At the age of 20, Success means :

Having sex.

5. At the age of 35, Success means :

Having money

6. At the age of 50, Success means :

Having money

7. At the age of 60, Success means :

Having sex.

8. At the age of 70, Success means :

Having a driver‘s licence.

9. At the age of 75, Success means :

Having friends.

10. At the age of 80, Success means :

Not shitting in your pants.

There you have it . . .
Enjoy Success !

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

"Coca d'auberginis" every Saturday

I invented "Coca d'auberginis" last year and since then , Ana, my daughter, wants me to prepare it every Saturday for lunch.
It is an adaptation of a very sophisticated Greek recipe, which was much more complicated.

I hope you like it! Enjoy your meal! Bon profit!

A medium aubergine (egg plant in US)
A big leek (or two small ones)
15o gr. of walnuts
Shortbread pastry (Masa quebrada from Mercadona)
Salt, cumin, pepper and nutmeg

Chop the leeks and the aubergines finely (in tiny dice) and fry them in a frying pan for 5-10 minutes. They are seasoned with salt, nutmeg, pepper and lots of cumin. Chop the walnuts finely with a knife (media luna), take the frying pan off the heat and add the walnuts to the leeks+aubergines. Stir and mix.

Switch on the oven and bake the pastry for 5-10 minutes. When it is half done take it out from the oven and cover it with the ingredients you have just cooked. Bake it again for 5-10 minutes and enjoy your meal!

(I think the secret of this "coca" is the cumin, which gives its mediterranean flavour and the walnuts, which give some "crunchiness" to the coca...)

Crunchy, munchy and mmmmm................

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Jobs (Lina Quiroga)

I'm Lina Quiroga and I'm from Colombia. I came here with my sister when I was 9 years old. When I arrived to Mallorca, my dad picked us up at the airoport because he had already been living here for a year.

My parents decided to go to another country because they wanted to change our lifestyle. The working world in Colombia was bad and they needed to get enough money to make our lives better.

In Colombia, my mum worked in an office as an acountant and my dad worked in a work shop, it was like a family bussines.
In Mallorca, my dad has worked in many places (we lived before in Cala Ratjada) but now he works as a technician in a company in Palma.

My mum works in a supermarket in Club de Mar in Palma.

About my grandparents, I can't say many things about their jobs, because I only have three grandparents and I've never asked them about their past lives. But I know that my only grandfather worked in a railway company. His wife (my grandmother) worked in different houses as a nanny, cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids.
They are my father's parents.

About my mother's parents I only know my grandmother and she worked first in the countryside and then in the city as a cleaning lady.

In my opinion,I have to say that I apreciate their effort, but I wouldn't like to work in the jobs that I've just mentioned, because I have a dream that is to have a degree in architecture and also to be an actress.
About my personality, I have to say that I seem cold and serious, because sometimes I really am. I can be harsh and pessimistic but regarding work I'm disciplined, hard working, ambitious and determined.

I think that the positive side of my character is that I realize my mistakes and I always try to get what I want if I really want it.

And the negative side is that sometimes people can feel bad with my decisions and I know it, but I don't look back or even apologize, because if I make a decision it's because I think that I'm right.
By the way I think I'm very sympathetic and there are very few times that I have been so tough. I always try to understand people arround me.

If I have to look to the future, I would like to do a lot of things.
Firstly I want to live in America. I would like to work in Los Angeles as an actress and I also would like to have a big house there. I want to have a very big family and help my parents to live better.
If I imagine myself in ten years, I can see myself doing all that I have mentioned, working with famous people and working everyday to be better.

About money, I have to say that I don't really care about how much I would get in my future job. I just want to get enough money to live well and to help people who need it. I would like to work a lot of hours if I can achieve the goals in the jobs I have just mentioned.

A meatball a day... (Tom Lombardi)

Hi my name is Tom Lombardi, I'm 17 years old, I'm French and I live in Mallorca. Today you will be able to see how healthy and delicious are the meat balls from Mercadona! (only 0.74 euros !!). In this video, you'll see the way in which, a delicate French Chef prepares his fresh, expensive meal.
Hope you enjoy it.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Chinese acupuncture

If I were a doctor I would like to study Chinese acupuncture.
I have been into Taichi for a long time and I discovered the five element theory through my teacher, Tew Bunnag. I found it really interesting!

Click on these words and have a look at the chart of correspondences

I have always liked sour tastes, I love vinegar, and I think this has a connection with the liver. Chinese medicine says that you can become ill due to lack of energy or due to an excess of energy...
If you don't have enough energy in one of the five organs, than you are attracted to the corresponding taste... I love vinegar because I think I need more energy for my liver...

There is a wonderful film by Zhang Yimou called "Hero" I think it is based on the five elements theory ( five seasons, five colours, five organs and so on...) I love the film.


Writing number 2 has four steps but it is not necessary to post the formal letter (step four),

1. PAST: Write about your parents’ jobs and about what your grandparents did for a living . Would you like to work in some of the jobs you have just mentioned? Explain.

2. PRESENT: Think about your character and describe yourself using pesonality adjectives. Write about the positive and the negative side of your personality.

3. FUTURE: Write about your dreams, hopes and ambitions. What would you like to do in the future? Where would you like to work?

Imagine yourself in ten years time: What will you be doing? Where will you be working? Describe the place and your job: How much do you get paid? How many hours a day/week do you work? What qualities helped you to get the job?

4. Write a formal letter applying for a job as a ...............................
(Invent a name for the company, an address and a country)
Use four paragraphs:
Reason for writing
Relevant personal details (name, age, studies)
Positive personality characteristics
A request for a response

Drinking and driving, no thanks!

A few days ago I had to write some slogans for the Comenius project, "Drinking and driving, no thanks".

If you want to have a look at my rhymes click on the red words

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Health (By Diego Rosso)

My name is Diego Rosso Broyad, I'm seventeen years old (turning eighteen soon!) and right now I'm studying 12th grade (and then college!). I was born on 24th of January in 1992 in Majorca. About my hobbies, I love playing videogames (currently playing CoD 6), going out with friends, going to the cinema (a bit expensive lately), reading manga and sleeping! (I also like going to the beach in summer).

In my opinion health is not only important for me, health should be important for everyone. The trick to be a healthy person is to eat everything(vegetables, meat, fish, cereals...) in small amounts or one food everyday.
When I was young I used to play football but at the moment I trying to go to the gym or sometimes I go to swim. The "coolest" sport I find to watch is rugby but I hardly ever watch sports on TV now (I hardly ever watch TV now).

If you ask me about a healthy diet, yes I've got a healthy diet (not the healthiest in the world because it would be too boring but I can't regret) and that's thanks to my mother, if it wasn't for my mother I would be fat like a cow because I love food.
Personally I love pasta but I usually have sandwiches to eat ( easy and fast). I only eat fast food when I go to the cinema or when I'm out with friends and we are hungry.
I drink alcohol when I go out at night with friends or sometimes in bestfriend's houses.
I don't smoke and don't plan to do it. I feel sorry for the people who drink too much and the people who smoke, they are doing a lot of damage to their bodies and get bad opinions as well.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't know why people keeps smoking, I still haven't found a good reason to do it and I'm sure I won't find one.

P.S: At least I could find some free time to write this again =)P
I want a positive mark for this teacher =P

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Health (Lina Quiroga)

My name is Lina Quiroga, my birthday is on 30th of December and I was born in Colombia.

Well, for me, to talk about health means talking about having a good lifestyle, don't feel any pains in your body, eat regularly and feel good with your life and yourself.

Obviously, to carry out all this, you must eat the three meals of a day, which are breaksfast, lunch and dinner, and avoid fast food or anything that could contain much fat or sugar.

If I have to talk about my example, I should say that I'm not really healthy, because I don't usually eat those three meals at their corresponding hours. I always eat when I'm hungry and whatever I find to eat.

I think health is important, and to do some exercise too.

I don't play any sport, but I would like to. When I was in my country, I was in a basketball team and I loved it. Actually basketball is my favourite sport. I think that comes from my mum, because she used to play it too.

And talking about diet, as I said, I eat when I'm hungry and I don't follow any diet. When I'm at home, I eat my mum's food, which is more Colombian than Spanish, but sometimes, at weekends, my dad cooks and his food is more like a mix of flavours.

And focusing on types of food that people eat in different countries, I would like to show you two dishes that have caught my attention.

In Alaska for example:

There is a dish called:"Oogruk flippers and fresh whale blubber". They put the flippers in the fresh blubber and leave them for two weeks, then they get the loose skin of the flippers out and then they eat the meat that's left.
(the oogruk is a kind of walrus).

And in Guatemala, there's a dish called: "Cockerel in chicha".
(chicha is a type of drink that contains corn and alcohol)

However I don't need to go so far away to find weird food, because when we go to Colombia, my dad usually buys and then eats roasted ants. I've never tasted them because I think they're disgusting, but he says that they taste like peanuts.

HEALTH(by Susana Chen)

My name is Jinlan Chen,and I have a Spanish name too,my Spanish name is Susana .I'm 17 years old,I think I'm very old,my birthday is on 27th of July.I was born in Salamanca,but I went to China when I was 2 years old.I was in China until 12 years old.I wanted go to the place where I was born born, because every body said that it's a very beatiful town.
My hobbies are listening to music and reading Chinese books.

Health is important in my life, I think health is important for every body because if you are unhealthy you can't do anything.In my opinion it is important to be a healthy person.

First you have to eat healthy food.For example:grapes.A lot of people don't eat the skin and the seeds,this isn't good,because the skin has a lot of vitamins and the seeds are good for the heart.To eat more vegetables and more fruits is good for your health.

The second thing is daily exercise,every day you should run five or ten minutes.I think I am an unhealthy person,because I don't do any exercise and I don't eat three meals a day.I always eat two meals a day,luch and dinner.I never eat breakfast,because I'm lazy,I don't want to get up early. But I follow a healthy diet. I don't eat fast food,I eat a lot of vegetables,fruits and shellfish and it also contain a lot of protein,multi-vitamins,calcium,which we need to maintain every part of our bodies.

My food preferences are Chinese, I like nearly all type of food.Specially spicy,I've started eating spicy food since I was 6 years old. I'm really love the typical vegetarian restaurants in Shanghai.The dishes have beautiful names. The food looks like fish,chicken,duck,beef...but all the food is made of vegetables.It's really nice!

I usually eat white rice with chinese vegetables,tofu,meat...and I sometimes eat chinese buffet,my parents have a restaurant,so I can eat there when I want to.I always drink water,because water is better than soft drinks and it's necessary to drink 2 litres of water every day. I never drink alcohol at weekends and I never smoke.I only drink alcohol when I go to parties. Drinking lots of alcohol is very bad for your health,but if you drink a glass of wine every day you won't have problems in your heart.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Japanese movement

Japanese are crazy people! I really liked the boy and the fat sumo wrestler!

Drugs and driving

I found it really funny!

The swam lake

I really love this video!

Roller skating babies


Health (Carol Pérez)


Hi, I'm Carol. I'm going to write about the importance of eating fruit.

I think everybody should include fruits in their daily diet. Fruit is one of the healthiest foods, but it seems like we don't really know it. In my opinion parents should force their children to eat more fruit, because every day children eat more sugar and chocolate and less healthy food. Nowadays children are used to eat fast food in places such as McDonalds or Burguer King, and that's not good for their health. Kids are becoming fatter every day

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

HEALTH (by Ana Carcaño)

My name is Ana and I was born in Palma on 9th of January 1992, I am 17 years old. In my free time I like going out with my friends or my boyfriend. I also like to practise some sport and going shopping.

I think that health is something very important in life. If you are unhealthy when you are young it will be worse when you're older!
To be a healthy person I like to eat a bit of all sorts of food but sometimes it's difficult for me because I dont like fruits and vegetables very much. I try not to eat a lot of sweets or fats. To keep fit I like to go to the gym and I like cycling too. In summer I love water sports such as sailing, kayaking and swimming in the sea.(For me swimming in a pool is boring)

I try to have a healthy diet but as I said before, it's difficult for me because I am very limited. My favourite food is pasta and what I dislike the most are tomatoes, I hate them!
I dont like eating in fast food restaurants because, in my opinion, food there looks like plastic. I eat i fast food restaurants very few times a year, and not because I want to but because my friends want to go there.

Ana Carcaño