viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Instructions for your first writing

As you already know your first writing is going to be about HEALTH. Please, follow the instructions carefully,

1. Title: Health (write your name in brackets)

2. Label: Opinion essay

3. Use paragraphs in your writing.

First paragraph: Introduce yourself: name, birthday, place you were born+ photo

Second paragraph: Is health important in your life? What do you do ir order to be a healthy person? Do you play any sport? What do you do to keep fit?
Write about a sport you play or about a sport you like watching (but don't play)

Third paragraph: do you have a healthy diet? What do you usually eat? Write about your food preferences. How often do you eat in fast food restaurants? What about drinking? Do you usually drink alcohol at weekends? do you smoke? give your opinion about drinking and smoking .

Optional (1): Share a photo, a video, a song, a poem, (or a recipe) related to sport and/or food.
Optional (2) : Imagine you were a doctor: What type of advice would you give to a person with a problem of overweight?
and to a really thin person suffering from anorexia?

Welcome to the blog of 2nd Batx.E

Welcome to the blog for students of 2 º Bachillerato from IES Bendinat !

The purpose of this blog is to share our writings, essays and compositions about the different topics that we are going to study in this school year 2009-2010.

We may also share videos, songs, quotations, poems, recipes, tales, and so on ...

And remember, if you want to get a good mark, it is important to read what your classmates have posted and then write a comment at the end of the post.

For this reason it is very important to sign (write your name) when you have finished your writing (or comment) You can use all the colors of the rainbow to write in this blog, EXCEPT purple (or violet), because this is the color I am going to use.

You can now read my second post for instructions.
God luck!

The photo was taken in Kamakura - Japan in April 2007 (by Linis)